The MRIM team members organize recognized scientific events: at the international level, the team members were members of the organizing committee of ACM SIGIR 2019 (Paris), the CLEF 2024 conference was organized by the MRIM team and Getalp of the LIG. We also organize international workshops (LongEval 2023 and 2024) and national workshops (Interactive Access to Information Day in 2022, GDR TAL-AFIA Days 2022). The team members chair the national (CORIA 2024) and international (ECIR 2021 and 2023, CLEF 2022, SIGIR) program committees. 3 members of the team participated in the editing of the proceedings of the CLEF 2024 conference.
The MRIM team is involved in the steering of scientific research, for example the steering by of the Information Research axis of the GDR Automatic Language Processing. MRIM is also present in the steering committee of CBMI, CLEF, ESSIR and TRECVid (2019-2021). The team participates in the steering committee of ARIA (several members of the office, vice-presidence, and several members are among the founders of this association) and the Société Informatique de France.